Board Elections


2024 board elections timeline

The board of the WCA is comprised of elected individuals who serve three year terms. Terms are staggered such that every year 3 seats are up for election. You must be a member of the WCA to vote in an election.

Important Dates for the 2024 Cycle

Jan 15 - 29 -> Nominations Submitted to

Jan 29 - 31 -> Nominees Contacted to Accept or Decline

Feb 4 -> Announce Candidates

Feb 8th @ 7:00 p.m. CST -> Annual Meeting with Candidate Introductions
Annual Meeting Link: coming soon!

Feb 8 - 15 -> Voting Window

If you are considering nominating someone or yourself, please review our board of directors information packet to understand what being a board member entails.

2024 Candidates

All profiles have been provided by candidates and are posted verbatim in alphabetical order by last name.

Taylar Foster

I'm Taylar and I'm running to maintain a seat on the WCA Board because we have so many good projects in the works that I want to keep working on them! Over the last year, I've helped coordinate Boulder Bash, maintained our online presence, and worked to build a better relationship between the DNR and WCA. I'm excited to continue that relationship building work to protect and expand climbing access on state lands. Even though I live in Madison, I also want to make sure WCA accurately and fully represents the wide variety of climbers and climbing in our state. 

What else I can bring to the WCA: several years of experience as a land use planner, a background working for the DNR, skills in marketing, communications, community organizing, event planning, and long-range planning, and of course excitement about climbing. I also sit on the board for the Friends of Devil's Lake State Park and think there is a lot of synergy between our two groups that we can harness.

I've been climbing for about four years now but still consider myself a new-ish climber; I mostly boulder and dabble in top roping. The WI climb I'm most proud of is Dude, Where's My Keys at Devil's Lake. I wish I could spend more time in Bishop and I'd love to one day climb in Squamish!

Taylor henderson

Taylor was introduced to climbing by his university's outing club in 2014 in upstate NY. Since then, he's been climbing around the country, sharing his love for the sport with others.

Favorite WI route: Roger’s Roof: a hand crack right through a roof!

Skills to contribute: software / web design, setup of software for managing members/campaigns, outreach/activism

Dream climbing destination: Patagonia, or maybe Chamonix, or maybe the cirque of unclimbables, anywhere there’s alpine granite

Random facts about me: I just recently became a father and it’s the been the most rewarding experience of my life.

Jacob Kron

I have been climbing in Wisconsin for about 10 years, and have greatly appreciated the benefits it has had in my life. The passion, creativity, and challenge elicited by the sport has encouraged me to live a healthier, more fulfilling life than I could have hoped for. The support of the climbing community has provided many enriching relationships and adventures that have sustained my journey in climbing and the exploration of our great natural spaces. It is my goal to help the WCA support sustainable and inclusive climbing access for anyone interested. Through my professional work guiding at Devil's Lake State Park, and volunteer work through adaptive climbing it has been a great joy of mine to share the experience and enthusiasm that this wonderful sport has offered to me.

Favorite Wi Route: Upper Diagonal


I love being in team setting

SPI Guide 

Traditional, Ice, Dry, Adaptive, and multipitch experience



Dream Trip:

Multi pitch mixed climbing in the Canadian Rockies

Interesting Fact:

Friends had named falling low on a route prior to placing protection "Jaking" after a number of times my enthusiasm has outpaced my footwork on route.


Ashley Schneider

Hello, I'm Ashley, a Wisconsin native currently residing in Hartford, WI, a serene rural area near Milwaukee. I enjoy the geographical convenience it offers, nestled between the bustling cities of Chicago, Madison, and the Fox Cities. My journey into climbing began in 2019 as a way to escape from the digital world. This newfound passion has taken me all over the country, and despite never having camped before, let alone rock climbed, I embraced the adventure wholeheartedly. 

Rock climbing for me is synonymous with community, as demonstrated by my active involvement with the Wisconsin Climbers Association, where I've contributed to committee work for events like Boulder Bash, engaged in Strategic Planning initiatives, volunteered with Beta Bust to create a safe space for diverse gender identities in climbing, and served as the volunteer coordinator for the Devil's Lake Craggin' Classic, fueling my enthusiasm for further contributions and positive impact.

Favorite WI route/problem - Dippy Diagonal, or really any crack climb. 

Skills you feel you can contribute to the board - I bring a tech-savvy, project management, and marketing mix to the Wisconsin Climbers Association. I pride myself on effective communication, strong relationship building, and making things happen. I am eager to contribute to our shared success!

Dream climbing trip destination -  Honestly, I'm aiming locally here and would love to get to Palisade Head this season. Give me those Minnesota cracks on Lake Superior! 

Any other random fact you wish to share - If you ever see me and my crag dog, Maggie out be sure to say hi!

Brendon westbrook

Hi, I'm Brendon, a U.S. Army Combat Veteran, proud father of two teenage girls, and an aspiring climber. When you climb with a partner or a team, you rely/trust in each other's support and expertise to navigate challenging routes and ensure safety. That skill and trust has translated into my personal life by building friendships, and effectively collaborating with others. 

Over the years, I have gained invaluable experience. I not only learned how to defend and protect, but also acquired essential lifesaving skills that have proven to be vital. This experience has inspired me to further my education in the upcoming spring semester by focusing on becoming an Emergency Medical Technician. 

Looking ahead, my future goal is to combine my love for climbing with my passion for helping others by becoming a climbing guide. I want to share the thrill of conquering great heights while ensuring the safety and enjoyment of others. I am excited about this new chapter in my life and the opportunities it will bring.

Favorite WI route/problem: I’m still exploring all that WI has to offer. However, I do enjoy the challenge that Devils Lake provides. 

Dream climbing trip destination: Ice Climbing in Austria